2021.03.14 | |||
답봄 |
풀다풀다 안돼서 다른 사람 풀이를 보고 풀었다. 다시 봐야하는 문제다. 덕분에 많은 것을 고민할 수 있던 문제였다.
- 우선 배열을 초기화 할 때,
이나A=[0 for i in range(N)]
이나 똑같은O(N)
이다. 나 혼자 쉽다고*
남발하다가는 파이썬의 깊은 복사 얕은 복사에 걸려 2중 배열 할때A=[[0]]*N
이런식으로 코드 짜고선 어 웨완뒈 이러면서 울기 싫으면 반복문을 명시적으로 작성하는 것이 좋다. - 이게..
이라니.. 혼자선 안냈을 답이다. 좀 더 연습하자.
Task description
You are given N counters, initially set to 0, and you have two possible operations on them:
- _increase(X)_− counter X is increased by 1,
- _max counter_− all counters are set to the maximum value of any counter.
A non-empty array A of M integers is given. This array represents consecutive operations:
- if A[K] = X, such that 1 ≤ X ≤ N, then operation K is increase(X),
- if A[K] = N + 1 then operation K is max counter.
For example, given integer N = 5 and array A such that:
A[0] = 3 A[1] = 4 A[2] = 4 A[3] = 6 A[4] = 1 A[5] = 4 A[6] = 4
the values of the counters after each consecutive operation will be:
(0, 0, 1, 0, 0) (0, 0, 1, 1, 0) (0, 0, 1, 2, 0) (2, 2, 2, 2, 2) (3, 2, 2, 2, 2) (3, 2, 2, 3, 2) (3, 2, 2, 4, 2)
The goal is to calculate the value of every counter after all operations.
Write a function:
def solution(N, A)
that, given an integer N and a non-empty array A consisting of M integers, returns a sequence of integers representing the values of the counters.
Result array should be returned as an array of integers.
For example, given:
A[0] = 3 A[1] = 4 A[2] = 4 A[3] = 6 A[4] = 1 A[5] = 4 A[6] = 4
the function should return [3, 2, 2, 4, 2], as explained above.
Write anefficientalgorithm for the following assumptions:
- N and M are integers within the range [1..100,000];
- each element of array A is an integer within the range [1..N + 1].
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